Wednesday, February 27, 2013

13 Reasons Why

In the book “Thirteen Reasons Why” there is a girl, Hannah Baker, who ends up killing herself. Before she does, she records tapes about her story. Mainly the story is on how people impacted her in a negative way that drove her to suicide. When the person receives the tapes, Hannah says that if you don’t listen to them she has someone who will post the tapes to the internet. So my question to you is, if that would ever happen to you and you got tapes similar to that what would you do? How would you feel? Would you listen to them or throw them away and call Hannah Baker’s bluff?


  1. I would listen to the tape like she told me to because I am not the type of person that would take the risk of calling her bluff. But, I would have someone else listen with me. I would be too scared to listen to it by myself. I would feel very sorry for her and have nightmares because of listening to them.

  2. I would listed to the tape but also tell a friend or my parents to listen to them with me. i would be to scared to listen to them by myself. i would feel sad that for my act a person felt worthless and in part of what i did to her she killed herself.

  3. Getting those tapes would be very hard for me to take in. It is very upsetting to know that I was one of the people to have caused her to be in so much misery to have her to get to the point of taking her own life. I would never call Hannah Baker bluff. I feel that having her send these tapes to those that have drove her to her death will be able to help those people know what they have done wrong. To me listening to this tape is a way to know my own wrongdoing and is a life lesson learned. Being able to accept what I did and changing my ways.

  4. As hard as it would be I would still listen to them. I'd want to know the truth as to what made her kill herself. In my expirence with people comiting suicide, people never really kow the real reason as to why the did it. Listening to the tapes would ive me the peace and would help me understand what happend.

  5. If this ever was to happen to me, I would definately follow her directions. If something that I did caused a person to committe suicide I would forever feel guilty and ashamed. I would not want anything to be put out into the public because it would have a negative impact on my future. Listening to those tapes will help me change for the better even though it would be horibble to listen to them.

  6. If this did ever happen to me I would more than likely listen because I care about other people’s feelings. If I didn’t listen to them I would end up kicking myself for not doing it and I would just feel really bad.
